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Gooseberry is primarily an Indian gooseberry. It is translucent and green in colour. It derives its name from the Sanskrit word ‘Amlaki’ which means “nectar of life”. It is frequently used in various Ayurvedic products and medicines for health benefits. Gooseberry export from India has been increasing rapidly over the decades. The Indian Gooseberry export is on the rise because of the increasing awareness of the people of its wide use..

Product Specification

Product Name Amla
Origin Subtropical regions of India
Family Phyllanthaceae
Binomial name Phyllanthus emblica
Nutrients Calories 58 kcal
Total Carbohydrate 13.7 g
Dietary Fiber 3.4%
Minerals Calcium
Protein 0.5%
Fat 0.1%

Uses & Benefits

  • Culinary Gooseberry is a rich source of Vitamin C. The vitamin C in Gooseberry is absorbed more easily by the body compared to store-bought supplements.
  • Culinary Gooseberry is also said to be good for your eye health. Research states that the carotene in Gooseberry improves vision.
  • Culinary Gooseberry also builds immunity. Gooseberry’s antibacterial and astringent characteristics are useful to boost one’s immune system.
  • Culinary Gooseberry is also a great tonic for hair. It slows down greying, prevents dandruff, strengthens hair follicles, and increases blood circulation to the scalp.



The owner of Cosmic Highland LALIT KUMAR DEOLAL is a Colonel of Indian Army with 23 years of chequered career. He has served with many Armies of the world namely, Ukrainian, Nigerian, Ghanaian, Irish, American, Nepalese, Russian, Israeli and French. He has also been part of United Nations peacekeeping mission in the middle East. He holds Master’s degree in international business administration from a reputed university in India and also holds a CELTA (Certificate in English language Teaching to Adults) certificate accredited by University of Cambridge, London.

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